A Statement of Power at Harvard – Harvard District Energy Facility featured in The Wall Street Journal
The university’s new District Energy Facility doesn’t apologize for burning fossil fuel

“A Statement of Power at Harvard”

“The challenge was to wrap the working machinery of the DEF within an envelope that was “harmonious and dignified, but also spirited.” Ms. Weinzapfel took its tumble of pipes, pumps, tanks and generators, and encased it within a lattice of anodized aluminum fins, all pointed upward. They are highly attractive, resembling airplane wings, and they look as if they should move. (They don’t.) They are canted at various angles around the building; to the south they screen the sun, to the north they welcome it, and at various other points they offer tantalizing views of the machinery within.” – The Wall Street Journal

Leers Weinzapfel Associates new 56,000 sf District Energy Facility (DEF) sets the stage for a state-of-the-art, cost effective, and sustainable utility generation and distribution system for Harvard’s Allston campus that also makes a significant contribution to its urban design.
