Facades posted Leers Weinzapfel Associates’ UMass Amherst building mixes mass timber and copper-anodized aluminum.

“A series of sculptural, three-dimensional trusses span the building’s largest space using the material efficiency of a truss geometry while composite CLT panels span between the trusses to provide the necessary support for the enclosed roof garden and its intensive green roof with up to 18 inches of soil and New England snowdrift loading conditions,” Tom Chung said.

Learn more

2020 AIA COTE Top Ten Award honors John W. Olver Building

Conferred by the AIA Committee on the Environment, the COTE® Top Ten Awards is the industry’s best-known award program for sustainable design excellence. Each year, ten innovative projects are recognized for their integration of design excellence with environmental performance.

The Olver Building exemplifies the University of Massachusetts’ commitment to sustainable and innovative design with its LEED Gold certification and demonstration of emerging wood construction technologies.  Bringing together the previously dispersed Departments of Architecture, Building Construction Technology, and Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning, the John W. Olver Design Building fosters multidisciplinary collaboration and expressively integrates building, landscape architecture, and building technology.

Addressing not only operational energy use, but also reducing the embodied energy of the building itself, the Olver building features an innovative use of engineered timber structure.   The largest cross-laminated timber (CLT) academic building in the United States, the Olver building demonstrates the sustainability, economy, and beauty of mass timber as a building material and renewable resource.

Learn more about the award-winning sustainable features of the John W. Olver Design Building:




Critical mass: Can low-carbon wood construction catch on in the U.S.?
Tom Chung, principal at LWA, the Boston firm that designed the U-Mass building, said he’s an advocate for three reasons.

Principal, Tom Chung, was featured in Energy News Network article discussing three reasons why he is an advocate of wood construction. Chung lists three reasons, “CLT is a renewable resource, provided that the wood used to make the products comes from a sustainably managed forest, as verified by third-party certification. And the production process is much less carbon-intensive compared to concrete or steel. Second, the CLT is usually exposed in the building interiors, as the wood is aesthetically pleasing. And that adds to a building’s sustainability because construction requires fewer resources — ‘you don’t have to have additional materials to cover up the structure.’And finally, because the products are prefabricated in a factory, the process of assembling the building is faster, quieter and results in less construction waste, he said.”- Energy News Network


Read Article Here: https://energynews.us/2020/04/22/northeast/critical-mass-can-low-carbon-wood-construction-catch-on-in-the-u-s/ 

Principal Tom Chung is elevated to 2020 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Fellow

Tom S. Chung is recognized for his creation of a nourishing public realm by pioneering sustainable Mass Timber Architecture, celebrating material and craft, and sharing his knowledge with current and future generation of architects.

Tom is a national leader with over 20 years with Leers Weinzapfel Associates. He has been a primary designer for a number of the firm’s most prominent projects, including John W. Olver Design Building at UMass Amherst, Adohi Hall at the University of Arkansas, and Center for Engineering, Innovation and Sciences at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He has extensive experience in the practice and education of Mass Timber Design. He has worked closely with researchers, structural engineers and fabricators to gain mastery over this new technology. As a Korean born, naturalized American who was raised to value education and its opportunities for success, Tom is deeply committed to giving back through teaching and service. Within the office, he is a mentor and advisor to the next generation of young designers.

Tom Chung joins the fellow principals Andrea Leers, FAIA, Jane Weinzapfel, FAIA, and Josiah Stevenson, FAIA.


See Tom featured in High-Profile article:

Dartmouth News: Views From the Green
Dartmouth College features new Anonymous Hall in their March issue of Dartmouth News.

Located at the heart of 1960s medical school buildings on the school’s siloed north campus, the 32,995sf Dana Hall project — as well as new entrances for its surrounding buildings, a wide pedestrian bridge, and new circulation between buildings — is transforming the college’s least compelling area into a well-scaled, inviting north quad.

The initiative will generate an accessible, seamless link between north campus and the historic green and main campus, allowing it to be shared with undergraduate sciences.

The demolition of an unused laboratory adjacent to Dana Hall made way for its new addition, which reorients the building to create inviting campus connections to the south.

Comprising the new social center of north campus, the addition houses the building’s lobby and a café, with an adjacent terrace overlooking a green.

Tied together by a spiral object stair visible from the south lawn, the building’s upper floors contain faculty offices, classrooms, and places for student gathering. The penthouse level features a solar-paneled canopy and a south-facing planted terrace that overlooks the iconic main campus.

The feature shows the red spiral staircase and Dartmouth students gathered. Photo taken by Robert Gill.


See feature here: https://news.dartmouth.edu/photos/galleries/views-green-march-2020?utm_source=dhome&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=carousel