2008Working closely with the University to expand the Pratt School of Engineering and Nicholas School of the Environment, Leers Weinzapfel Associates completed a comprehensive feasibility study to determine the site location, building principles and guidelines for the new Energy and Environment Building. Included in the study was a comprehensive existing facilities plan to help determine program adjacencies and to understand building-to-building circulation.
Major master-planning issues included strengthening the identity of the Engineering School and Nicholas School within the Duke campus, creating a front door to the campus from the community at large and enhancing the ensemble of existing buildings by creating exterior spaces that strengthen campus circulation.
Upon selection of the preferred site, a building massing diagram was generated reflecting the program for the Energy and Environment Building. It sets forth major principles in harmoniously resolving a large program of 175,000 gsf into an advantageous, yet constricted and steeply sloping site. Using multiple scales and various three-dimensional studies, careful consideration was given to building orientation and configuration in order to respect existing building massing and shape meaningful exterior spaces.